
All of the titles below link to thematic research sections addressing terminology. Each section will open as a PDF and contains a written introduction with approximately 8-12 open-access and multi-media resources (books, articles, videos, podcasts, etc.). 

Counting Forced Migrants: Methods, Impact, and Improvements

Recognizing that forced migrants are more than their numbers, this bibliography section aims to interrogate the methods and impact of counting forced migrants by compiling sources that ask: who quantifies forced migration and how do they do it? 

Labels and Media Framing: “Refugee” and “Migrant”

This section investigates the terms “refugee” and “migrant” in their social and legal constructions, demonstrating the impact of those labels on our thinking and questioning the distinction between both words.

Migration Through Metaphors

This section uses literary metaphors to approach migration studies through a series of guided discussion questions and prompts.

What Is It Like To Go To School at the US-Mexico Border? An Introduction for Young Adults Interested in Border Studies

This section introduces young adults to what it is like to go to school at the US-Mexico border using videos, articles, books, and guided discussion questions.

Free Movement and Belonging in Europe: The Situation of the Romani Peoples

The Roma illustrate perfectly that for many Europeans, there is the perception that there are no minorities in Europe, only “migrants.” This section attempts to reverse that assumption and to put into question the ways in which Europeans are implicitly thought of as White, while “race” is often presented as a non-issue in Europe. 

On Forced Migration, International Policy, and Existing Outside of the Law

This section aims to interrogate the problematic nature of current international migration laws and to understand (but not justify) the seeming ‘need’ to exclude certain individuals by looking at Giorgio Agamben’s theories of homo sacer and the state of exception. 
